Hi, I'm Tina.

I'm Here to Help You Feel Beautiful, Confident & Free with Lipedema (Heavy Legs)

Hi, Wonderful,

I'm SO glad you're here.
I can't stand thinking about you being unhappy about your body and life when, with a little support, you can feel and look great - and create a body and a life for yourself that you can fall absolutely in love with. Yes, even with Lipedema legs (and arms).

Yes, I know you can't make Lipedema disappear (without surgery). But I also know that you can minimize the swelling, heaviness and pain and come to feel much more beautiful, confident and free in the process. 

How do I know this? Because, I have discovered a bunch of hacks to manage stage 2-3 lipedema in my own legs and arms and have made them look and feel radically better and have come to feel so much more beautiful, confident and free in the process. 

Since learning I have Lipedema my life has improved in so many ways. If you'd like, I'll show you exactly how I'm managing it and how I have come to feel much more confident and free than before. You don't have to figure everything out on your own, like I did.  

The best part? I've done it in an all natural way, and I'll show you every step if you grab my hand.

That's why I'm here:  To help women with Lipedema get lighter legs and feel beautiful, confident & free.

You're not alone. Come, grab my hand - let's improve our lives, together.

With Love,

What Is Lipedema?

Lipedema is a chronic and progressive condition primarily known for disproportionally large legs, hips and arms that doesn't fit the often slim upper body. It's like the body is put together from two different bodies. 

Lipedema is mostly misunderstood as lymphedema, weight gain, or obesity by doctors and the public.

But the women struggling with it intuitively know it's different. Exercise and dieting doesn't respond to it and in most cases is grows and become more painful with time. It usually starts or worsens during puberty, pregnancy, or peri/menopause.

The only way to get rid of Lipedema is by a special surgery which only few lipedema specialized surgens in the world can perform. In most cases the costs are self paid as hardly any insourances cover the condition. it is in many cases possible to manage the condition and keep it from growing much. It is hard work ad takes a lot of effort and energy.

It is estimated that 11% of women world wide has Lipedema. 


If you are 100% happy with your life: you are confident in your body, you thrive and feel excited, happy, and in peace with your life and are living out all your dreams, longings and desires, then my work is NOT for you. Seriously. In that case: Congratulations on living a life that most people envy you! But if you are sick and tired of not getting the most out of life, then read on. If you want to live a life that makes you truly happy - in your (Lipedema) body and every other part of your life - you have come to the right place.

 On a Mission to Help Women w. Lipedema Feel Beautiful, Confident & Free

I am on a mission to help women with Lipedema create a life where they feel beautiful, confident and free.

A life where they feel confident and free to LIVE their life fully. Free to dance, play, swim, make love and go on adventures without hiding. Confident to wear the clothes they want and smile at people instead of hiding. Feeling beautiful and proud of being them. 

I'm on a mission to support Lipedema-women in taking back their lives and pushing Lipedema into the shadows so it's no longer so all consuming. A life where they manage and minimize the swelling and pain in their legs (and arms) best possible and demand that Lipedema fits into their desired life - not the other way around where Lipedema rules their life. 

Very few people in the world; doctors and the public, knows about or understand Lipedema. As women living with our heavy, big and often painful lipedema legs and arms, we are surrounded by misguided judgment and it takes a strong woman to withstand it and keep her head high with the constant development of the condition.

But it is time to take control of our own lives, do everything we can to minimize the condition and become FULLY ALIVE and not accepting that those heavy legs and arms has so much power in our lives.

We've got this together. And we are many of us:  Approximately 11% of women world wide are in our club. Most without knowing (yet). And most find out only in their late 40s or later. 
Part of my mission is to help more women identify it earlier so they can start managing it well and living their lives fully.

I hope you'll join me in the quest of spreading he word - AND by becoming a role model for woman with Lipedema who decided to upgrade her life, manage the condition and learning the hacks to feel beautiful, confident and free in spite of having a body that doesn't (yet) fit the norm. 

Hop along on this journey with me, and be prepared: it's going to be one helluva ride!  


"11% of women are estimated to have Lipedema. It's time we adjust our understanding of a beautiful body.

My work is devoted to create Content and Programs that will help you live life in full authenticity and experience the beautiful adventure that life is and never let Lipedema Define you. 

Tina Oeverlind

On a Personal Note

“I live life with my heart controlling most things. I live life through love, trust, and optimism. When I feel passionate about something, I go for it. I live by my key desire every day: To feel inspired by myself and others. This sets a high bar for the way I live my life on a day to day basis. I do not always succeed. But I try my best.

I was born in Denmark and have lived and/or worked in several countries, including the U.S., Spain, Italy, France, Croatia, Greece, Sweden, and others. I perceive myself as a global citizen, and wherever my soul is, my home is.

My adventurous and optimistic spirit has brought me a ton of fun, fun, fun times, but also difficult and challenging times. I have been through enough in life to not take life and sanity for granted.

I laugh a lot. I marvel a lot. And I wonder a whole big lot. I love being in inspiring company. And I love being alone. Both situations nurture my soul, and I couldn’t do without either one.

One of the favorite stories among my audience, and which probably says a lot about me, is when I tell them about how it took me only 6 weeks from having the idea of moving to Barcelona (from Copenhagen) to actually live there, where I knew no one and didn’t speak the language, less knew what to do there in the first place. I later learned that the universe had a divine plan for me with that adventure. -Turns out: that’s where I found some of my reasons to do the work I do today.

Always coming from an optimistic, soulful, spiritual and bright light place I make it a point to always strive to leave you inspired, insightful, optimistic and maybe even transformed with what I put out into the world and at every touch point we have with each other.

The Lipedema? Almost forgot. I have unknowingly had it since late teenage years but it worsened with speed from my late 30s. I found out about Lipedema, like most of us by chance and in my late 40s and I cried from validation and fear a full weekend upon finding out. I lost my optimism for a moment. I understood how much it had held me back in living my usually adventurous life the past 10 years or so. I understood it was a cronic disease - no cure and not many doctors in the world even acknowledging it although women become imobilized and lose life in their lives because of it.
And then I decided to take back the power and do something about it. I was not going to let Lipedema own me. I was going to be in charge. 
And so, here we are! If I can't beat it, I decided, then I'll devote my work life to making it as easy as possible for us women to live with it, learn to minimize and manage it and learn how to feel beautiful, confident and free with it.

I can't wait to hopefully meet you in real life soon!

With love,

How I Run My Life & My Company

5 Things to Know.
1. Must Feel Inspiring
The key desire I live by is to feel inspired by myself and others. This sets a high bar for the way I live my life and run my business. To take on something new I ask myself - do I feel inspired by doing this, or by working with these people?
If not, it’s ruled out. If yes - then it’s usually a big fat HELL YES!
2. Make It Happen
I have made a wow to not let perfectionism get in my way of making things happen. Although I am a major detail nut and strive to only make amazing things I believe it is better to launch things and make it happen than to keep it to myself because of little details that will never be perfect anyway. Living with Lipedema is a constant reminder that imperfection is beautiful. 
3. There's A Reason
I believe that the intention for some of us is to be life teachers. I believe I am one of them. I believe there is a reason why I have gone through the things I have in life, in the way I have. With an optimistic and problem-solving attitude no matter what life has thrown at me.
So I teach what I have learned and continue to learn along the way and feel can be useful for others on life’s journey.
4. It's Personal
Sharing from my personal life isn't an easy thing to do. In the beginning, I was terrified by the thought of doing so. Well... I still am to tell you the truth... But, it's not about me. I already know my stories, what has happened in my life and my strategies on how to take on life in a powerful way. I don’t have any need to share publicly just for the sake of sharing.

What I choose to share, I share because I feel it might help others. I share what I feel may be inspiring, uplifting, transformational or help someone feel validated with the thoughts and feelings they have or things they are going through. I teach what I have learned along the way to help others on life’s journey.
5. Yes. I Talk About That Kind Of Stuff
The way I do things is not for everyone. That’s ok. I am here to make a difference and not here to please everyone.
Some of my topics are tabu. Some are embarrassing to talk about. Some people will find some things I talk about weird, for some, it will be the most natural thing in the world.
I know that for my right tribe, it will feel right.

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Beautiful, Confident & Free 

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